
Baldurs gate 2 wiki
Baldurs gate 2 wiki

baldurs gate 2 wiki

Once each portal is destroyed the Mephits that came from the portal will die. In the first room, leave the Mephits alone and attack the four portals.At the beginning of the second area, Yoshimo will offer to join your party so that you can all escape together.Enter the portal with the Portal Key and you will go to the next area. Return to Irenicus' chamber and continue to the west.Enter Irenicus' mistriss' chamber just beyond the dryads and take the Portal Key.Take the Wand of Lightning Key from this room. It is not necessary to complete it to finish the game. At the end you will find Irenicus' chamber and just off of that, you will find some dryads. Defeat the Otyugh and take the Wand of Frost Key from its body. Take one of the long narrow passages to the center of the area.It will open the gates to the beast so it can perform its duties. Use the Activation Stone to control the Sewer Golem.

baldurs gate 2 wiki

Take the Energy Cells from his life support and he will pass on. In the sewer section on the left side of the area, you will find Rielev.If you answer it, you will have to fight some enemies but afterward he will reappear and advise you to seek out Rielev. In the next room you will meet Aataqah who will ask you a question.Flip the switch in the northwest wall to turn off the machine. Along the way you will machine that will create Lightning Mephits. Goad him into a berserker rage and he will break the bars of his cell and join your party. Enter the room to the west and take the weapons, the armor, and the Jail Cell Key from the room. The gameplay begins in a dungeon after Imoen rescues you from your cell.

Baldurs gate 2 wiki